Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bean Sprouts! dad has been on my ass to add things to my diet. He said bean sprouts were a good idea. At first I was like guuuuurl that sounds nasty. But then I remembered eating them in chinese fried rice and always liking them. So I was in the healthy section at Shaws and saw a package of them and said "Why the hell not?". I didnt try them until just now, literally as I'm typing this. I threw them on my dinner which was literally a bowl or romaine and croutons with a few squirts of 2-calorie ranch dressing. They totally changed how the salad tastes. Not sure if I'm a fan yet, but they're not nasty and they're good for me so I'll keep munching on this salad here.

Nutritional info:
Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K
Calcium, Carbohydrates, Chlorophyll, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc
All Amino Acids
Trace Elements
Protein: up to 35%

I just found that info on there ya go. It's good for you. YAY.

I'm off to eat more of my salad and chug some more water!

Omg but really quick I didn't even mention this. Ok so I'm usually around 170 lbs. and I'm ok with that but I've been eating like truck loads of microwavable pizza lately and I went to the doctors and weighed 183!! That's not ok! I gained 13 pounds in TWO weeks! Unhealthy much?!

SO I was online and researching the raw foods movement thingy and MIGHT be going semi-raw. I'm going to start drinking green smoothies every day. Go to for a video showing you how to. Also, if you're interested, go to to learn more about the whole deal. I love that site.

Ok I'm really leaving now. My salad looks leafy and lonely.


<3 Summer 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sorry I've been gone!

Whew! I have been gone for forever! My apologies my dears. I moved from my dads house to my grandparents house one town over and then moved with them to a new house across town. OMG it was horrible. My dad and I had lived in that house since i was born and it had piles upon piles of just complete and total junk. However, I miss it terribly as it was the party house of the '08 summer months. It will be missed...
So I moved in with my grandparents since my dad moved into his girlfriend's house and I didn't feel like switching schools my senior year (duh). Two months after settling in at my grandparent's house, they lose the house and we have to move. They've lived in that house since before I was born so we can just IMAGINE the piles of things hidden in that house's crevices! So once again I packed everything up and left another one of my childhood hot spots. Now we live in a nice one-story house with 6 rooms including the bathroom. It's a hell of a lot smaller than my last two houses, but I'm used to little space because my mom's been apartment hopping since I was 6. On the bright side, I now live within walking distance of my school and the majority of all my friends. Yay for being an optimist!
So, for anyone still interested, I am still a vegetarian. Oh my holy catnip.....I just realized that this is my 10th month not eating meat! I'm so awesome. Just kidding! In the past ten months I've tried a BOATLOAD of vegetarian meat substitutes and I can honestly say, I haven't tried one yet that I couldn't choke down. They're all actually pretty good! So I'm going to get to work writing separate posts for each food item I've tried and forced my friends/mom/sister/grandparents to try with me. See you soon!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Vegetarian Fried Rice!

Hey sorry I've been gone for so long! Lots has happened in the past week-ish: I got a girlfriend, started my senior year, spent over $100 on 2 pairs of shoes, and most importantly tried a fried rice recipe! I got the recipe here but I changed a few things. I used Jasmine rice instead of Basmati, vegetable stock instead of chicken stock, no peas, and no ham steak obviously. I also didn't cook it in a wok, rather in my moms gigantic fry pan. I either added a bit too much vegetable stock (which can make it sticky) or my mom cooked the rice for too long. You're supposed to cook the rice until it's just a little bit crunchy, then cool it, then put it in the fry pan/wok. My mom cooked it till it was, as I say, gooshy. So, anyways, I cooked it and made my mom do about 5 to 500 taste tests (because I absolutely hate rice and refuse to eat it unless its chinese fried rice) before I would taste it myself. I finally had forced enough rice into my mother's mouth to satisfy my insane mind that it was edible. I stuck the fork in the rice, I brought the fork to my extremely large mouth, I took a bite. Bland, but not too bad. I was surprised at how little flavor it had, but then I realised I should probably have added a few things other than just eggs, salt, rice, and soy sauce. Even just a bit of duck sauce would have improved it. Next time I'm definately going to add onions, scallions, and beansprouts. Maybe I'll even add some shrimp. I think it was pretty good for my first try at cooking rice. Go me!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to school!

Hey guys! I'm in Bioethics right now and I'll be heading to German 4 in a few minutes. I can't believe I woke up at 5:30 today. It's really insane. Oh well. Just wanted to say hi and let you all know I'll be blogging again very soon. I just currently don't have internet becuase I'm in the process of moving D:
Not to worry thoug, I'll be back soon.

Summer ♥

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Expedition to the natural foods store!

My lovely mumsi came home from work today and before heading out to the grocery store told me we could stop at our local A Market for a little while. I promptly spazzed and galloped happily out the door and into the car. I was very excited because I havent been to the A Market since my nutcase dad brought me a few years ago to buy his mega herbal shampoo (he absolutely refuses to use any other kind).
So we get there and go inside and the happy smell of non-processed food stuffs greeted me. My mom and I grabbed a coupon book and went to go try some fruit samples. We wandered around for a while and I found some absolutely delicious looking organic whole milk from a local farmer that was unpasteurized. They also had the stuff in CHOCOLATE and you could literaly see the cream rising to the top. Ohmygiddygod it looked so good! It was in glass bottles and you had to make a bottle deposit or something so I didn't get any but I will most definately be getting some next time.
My mom was pestering me to try and find some healthy-ish chips for her and I to snack on and we picked some DELISH chips from a brand called Olive Oil. I think they were rosemary flavored. Oh jeez they were fab (my mom and I snacked on them the whole ride home!).
The best find of the night however, was in the cereal and snack aisle. I was strolling around, just looking while my mom was on the phone with her man, and I happened upon some organic, all natural, Pop-Tart like toaster pastries.
Now, for all of you that don't know, the frosting the Pop-Tart people use has gelatin in it. I do not eat gelatin because it's made from yucky animal related ingredients. However, Pop-Tarts were one of my favorite foods when I was a non-veg. So it's been very difficult for me to not eat them.
Anyways, back to my story. Just for fun, I grabbed a box of the pastries to read the ingredients in the off chance that they were made minus gelatin. Lo and behold.......HOLY CRAP NO GELATIN!!!!!!!!! VICTORY DANCE! RIGHT NOW!
Ok sorry. Any who, I got a tad bit excited. My excitement escalated quite a bit when I saw they were 2 for $5. I grabbed two boxes, wandered over to my mom, and promptly made puppy dog faces at her while she was on the phone to get it into her head that she should really buy me these. Needless to say, she did! (Thank you, magical puppy dog eye powers!)
So we only got a few thinkgs at the whole foods store because darn it they're pretty expensive! Then we went to good old Hannafords to finish up the rest. I replenished my stock of veggie burgers, french fries, pizza, cheese, yogurt, and strawberries. All the essentials. Yum.
I also picked up some things to make a new vegetarian fried rice recipe that I found! That'll probably take place in a few days. As soon as I finish, I promise I'll put it up and say if it was any good or not. Hopefully it's better than my last run in with home-made chinese food. Let me just say I attempted to make scallion pancakes, and it was NOT pretty.
Alright well I have to finish watching Dog the Bounty Hunter (it's right up there with Wife Swap as one of my fav shows) and get some sleep. Also, I'll be pretty busy for the next week or so, since I have to move all my things from my dads house to the various other houses I call home. So I may or may not be able to blog for a while. But rest assured I will return......EVENTUALLY! Haha I crack my self up.
See you tomorrow my dears!
♥ Summer

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good night, fellow awesome people!

I just took a melatonin (three cheers for natural sleep aids!) and I'm making tea for me and my mom and then hittin' the hay. Being online all day sure wears a girl out! I'll be posting my mom's recipe for vegitarian curry tomorrow (it's pretty darn good) and maybe one or two other things. Unfortunately, I have work tomorrow so I won't be able to post till after I get home around 5:30. I hate being part of America's workforce. Oh well. So I'll see you all tomorrow. Good night!

♥ Summer

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School Fabulosity

So I'm going back to school in about a week and it totally snuck up on me. I have absolutely no school supplies or lunch planning thingies. So I decided Hey, why dont I just go online and spazztasticly search for helpful school stuff?! I'm so intelligent in my procrastination. Anyways, this is what I found:
Lunchboxes, Reusable Baggies and Flatware

  • Ok, the only reason this is on here is because it's hilarious looking and you can put stickers on it. I mean I'm sure it's a completely functional lunchbox and all, but I could never use it seriously as I would be the laughing-stock of my entire school, myself included.

  • These are ADORABLE. They come in different sizes (for snacks and sandwiches) and a bunch of different designs. They're reusable, plastic-free, and replace all those yucky plastic bags. I'll be buying lots of these because I personally bring about 10 snacks a day and it's pretty tough to find eco-friendly ways to bring all my fruits and such to school.

  • Upon seeing these, I immediatly said "HOLY CRAP I WANT ONE!". These are quite possibly the most adorable lunch sacks in existence. They unzip to a placemat and are insulated so you can keep drinks cold. So cute!

  • These cute little lunch bags are made by women in the Phillipines from recycled juice bags. This is awesome because (I just found this out) some juice containers aren't biodegradable and these lunch bags are a way to re-use them. They're all handmade and different.

  • This is something that I think more people need to catch on to. Re-usable utensils are amazing and should be as normal to everyday life as socks are (sorry for the random analogy). These are made from sustainable bamboo and won't stain easily. Plus, they come with chopsticks!

  • This lunchbox looks a little small, but all the reviews for it say it's roomy enough. It looks cute and is slim so it can fit in a backpack easily. It's leak proof, has a sliding divider, and is dishwasher and microwave safe.

  • EastsportBackpack                                                                                 This backpack is 100% cotton and only weighs 1 lb.! Which is awesome because I know from personal experience that school books weigh about as much as a small horse.

  • BazuraBags                                                                                                                               Another from Bazura. This messenger bag would probably be best for kids in elementary school as it's not very big, but it's definately cute! And it's made from non biodegradablejuice containers as well.

  • The Reactor Soalr Backpack Ok so this backpack is over $100 but still, it's got a solar panel on it! Come on now! I had to show it to someone. Anyways, if you could afford this it's a great backpack.

  • Hemp Sisters Deluxe Hemp Backpack This is my favorite backpack that I've found and I'm thinking about getting this one. It's made from hemp (obviosuly) and has tons of storage space. Also, it's handmade in Nepal, and I love buying stuff from different countries.
School Supplies

  • Student Composition Books  I love compostion books as opposed to normal spiral bound notebooks, and this one is made with post consumer waste and lots of it. Yay for not killing anymore trees!

  • Rebinders Everyones favorite school supply: binders. Well, at least they are at my school seeing as most teachers force you to carry at least a 1 inch binder. These come in 1, 2, and 3 inch sizes. All are made of 100% recycled materials and are way more durable than vinyl binders.

  • NotebookFiller Paper This filler paper is made with 40% post consumer waste and is 100% recycled. It's perfect for putting in your Rebinder.

  • Smencils Alright, I realise they have a hilarious name, but these are the coolest things I've ever seen in all my seventeen years for back to school. They're made from recycled newspaper and come in 11 different scents including peppermint to help boost your concentration during tests! They also come in biodegradable freshness tubes made from corn. I'll definitely be getting some of these for the school year.

  • Biodegradable Pens by Vegetarian Shoes These pens are made from corn and outlive most regular pens. Unfortunitely, they only come in blue ink, but they're still worth it.
Alright well that's all I have for now. Maybe I'll look for some eco-friendly clothes soon.... But not right now because there's a very riveting episode of WifeSwap on. So tata for now and I'll be back soon!

Howdy folks!

Hey everyone. I'm just starting this (obviously) and I feel obligated to say that I was completely and totally inspired to make a vegetarian/animal-rights blog by the most fabulous blogger ever, the writer of Vegan Lunchbox. I have a total infatuation with her blog and the adorable lunches she makes for her son and husband. Anywho, cute lunches aside, I'm going to be writing about vegetarianism and such in this blog and just animals in general. I'll have links to recipes, activism ideas, and other websites that support a cruelty-free lifestyle. Wish me luck!