Monday, August 24, 2009

Howdy folks!

Hey everyone. I'm just starting this (obviously) and I feel obligated to say that I was completely and totally inspired to make a vegetarian/animal-rights blog by the most fabulous blogger ever, the writer of Vegan Lunchbox. I have a total infatuation with her blog and the adorable lunches she makes for her son and husband. Anywho, cute lunches aside, I'm going to be writing about vegetarianism and such in this blog and just animals in general. I'll have links to recipes, activism ideas, and other websites that support a cruelty-free lifestyle. Wish me luck!


  1. hello summer (for those of you who dont know im summer's main man sooo ive come here to support my sexy animal loving friend
    i love you summer this blog seems fun and amazingly educational fun and informative
    5 starz from marianne&asiago co. p.s. ilove you

  2. way to say fun twice lmao. excuse me while i go murder my cat because he wont stop scratching every thing

  3. Hey good luck with the blog! I'm following it! :)
