Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sorry I've been gone!

Whew! I have been gone for forever! My apologies my dears. I moved from my dads house to my grandparents house one town over and then moved with them to a new house across town. OMG it was horrible. My dad and I had lived in that house since i was born and it had piles upon piles of just complete and total junk. However, I miss it terribly as it was the party house of the '08 summer months. It will be missed...
So I moved in with my grandparents since my dad moved into his girlfriend's house and I didn't feel like switching schools my senior year (duh). Two months after settling in at my grandparent's house, they lose the house and we have to move. They've lived in that house since before I was born so we can just IMAGINE the piles of things hidden in that house's crevices! So once again I packed everything up and left another one of my childhood hot spots. Now we live in a nice one-story house with 6 rooms including the bathroom. It's a hell of a lot smaller than my last two houses, but I'm used to little space because my mom's been apartment hopping since I was 6. On the bright side, I now live within walking distance of my school and the majority of all my friends. Yay for being an optimist!
So, for anyone still interested, I am still a vegetarian. Oh my holy catnip.....I just realized that this is my 10th month not eating meat! I'm so awesome. Just kidding! In the past ten months I've tried a BOATLOAD of vegetarian meat substitutes and I can honestly say, I haven't tried one yet that I couldn't choke down. They're all actually pretty good! So I'm going to get to work writing separate posts for each food item I've tried and forced my friends/mom/sister/grandparents to try with me. See you soon!

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