Saturday, September 12, 2009

Vegetarian Fried Rice!

Hey sorry I've been gone for so long! Lots has happened in the past week-ish: I got a girlfriend, started my senior year, spent over $100 on 2 pairs of shoes, and most importantly tried a fried rice recipe! I got the recipe here but I changed a few things. I used Jasmine rice instead of Basmati, vegetable stock instead of chicken stock, no peas, and no ham steak obviously. I also didn't cook it in a wok, rather in my moms gigantic fry pan. I either added a bit too much vegetable stock (which can make it sticky) or my mom cooked the rice for too long. You're supposed to cook the rice until it's just a little bit crunchy, then cool it, then put it in the fry pan/wok. My mom cooked it till it was, as I say, gooshy. So, anyways, I cooked it and made my mom do about 5 to 500 taste tests (because I absolutely hate rice and refuse to eat it unless its chinese fried rice) before I would taste it myself. I finally had forced enough rice into my mother's mouth to satisfy my insane mind that it was edible. I stuck the fork in the rice, I brought the fork to my extremely large mouth, I took a bite. Bland, but not too bad. I was surprised at how little flavor it had, but then I realised I should probably have added a few things other than just eggs, salt, rice, and soy sauce. Even just a bit of duck sauce would have improved it. Next time I'm definately going to add onions, scallions, and beansprouts. Maybe I'll even add some shrimp. I think it was pretty good for my first try at cooking rice. Go me!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to school!

Hey guys! I'm in Bioethics right now and I'll be heading to German 4 in a few minutes. I can't believe I woke up at 5:30 today. It's really insane. Oh well. Just wanted to say hi and let you all know I'll be blogging again very soon. I just currently don't have internet becuase I'm in the process of moving D:
Not to worry thoug, I'll be back soon.

Summer ♥